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Smokey Sunrise on Almador .jpg

Reno Tahoe International Art Show

These images are presented by Steve Johnson, a retired park ranger who worked for the California Department of Parks and Recreation and the United States Park Service.  He has a degree in Wildlife Management and is concerned about man's contribution to the warming earth.

Global Warming

Pelican Entourage

This image was captured shortly after the fires that raged in Northern California in 2021. It was taken at Lake Almanor shortly after the Dixie fire burned over 1,500 square miles of forest land between July and and October of that year.

Framed image: $400

Global Warming

Reno Morning

This image, taken on a smokey morning in the Reno Nevada summer of 2023, captures the early morning visage created by Northern California fires.

Framed image: $400

Global Warming
Smokey Morning on Lake Almanor

Captured during the fires that raged throughout the California mountains in the summer and fall of 2021, this fire brought devastation to towns and  forests from Mt. Lassen to Chico.

Framed image: $400

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